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电商给人们带来的好处抖音给人们带来的好处关于电脑的英语作文水给人们带来的坏处网购给人们带来的便利 版权声明:英文原文已无法考究作者,作文地带翻译全文为中文,转载翻译请注明出处“作文地带”。 “电脑提供给我们更便捷的生活英语作文”一文...

版权声明:英文原文已无法考究作者,作文地带翻译全文为中文,转载翻译请注明出处“作文地带”。 “电脑提供给我们更便捷的生活英语作文”一文


[最佳答案] 科学朴素而美丽,纯洁而高尚。自古以来,人们运用自己的聪明才智进行着不懈的努力,在科学上取得了一个又一个的进步,使科学水平逐渐提高,使新的科学技术融入了我们的生活,影响并改变着我们的生活 当我们在信息世界里遨游时,有没有想过这是谁给我们的生活带来这么多的变化?是科学,是它把我们的生活变得多姿多彩,比如电脑。 电脑,现在家家户户都有,它的功能可不少,可以用来传递信息,同朋友聊聊天,查查资料,玩玩游戏……以前没有电脑,想了解什么资料很麻烦,要去图书馆查阅,想联系哪个人只有长途跋涉,走路过去同他取得联系,现在可不一样了,上网一查,非常快捷,应有尽有,登上qq,随时联系朋友,让我们节约了更多宝贵的时间,电脑的出现给我们的生活带来很多方便。电脑比电话还好,电话只能听到对方的声音,而电脑又可以进行文字沟通,还可以视频对话,能够看见对方。如果有什么节日,发一个e-mail,对方几秒钟就能收到,既能节约纸张,还可以快速让别人收到……科技发展提高了我们的生活水平,改善了生活质量!其实,电脑是一种很好的学习工具。当我们需要一些资料的时候,我们不用到处的查找和翻阅书籍,这样会浪费很多时间。我们可以坐在电脑前,


[ zui jia da an ] ke xue pu su er mei li , chun jie er gao shang 。 zi gu yi lai , ren men yun yong zi ji de cong ming cai zhi jin xing zhe bu xie de nu li , zai ke xue shang qu de le yi ge you yi ge de jin bu , shi ke xue shui ping zhu jian ti gao , shi xin de ke xue ji shu rong ru le wo men de sheng huo , ying xiang bing gai bian zhe wo men de sheng huo dang wo men zai xin xi shi jie li ao you shi , you mei you xiang guo zhe shi shui gei wo men de sheng huo dai lai zhe me duo de bian hua ? shi ke xue , shi ta ba wo men de sheng huo bian de duo zi duo cai , bi ru dian nao 。 dian nao , xian zai jia jia hu hu dou you , ta de gong neng ke bu shao , ke yi yong lai chuan di xin xi , tong peng you liao liao tian , zha zha zi liao , wan wan you xi … … yi qian mei you dian nao , xiang le jie shen me zi liao hen ma fan , yao qu tu shu guan zha yue , xiang lian xi na ge ren zhi you chang tu ba she , zou lu guo qu tong ta qu de lian xi , xian zai ke bu yi yang le , shang wang yi zha , fei chang kuai jie , ying you jin you , deng shang q q , sui shi lian xi peng you , rang wo men jie yue le geng duo bao gui de shi jian , dian nao de chu xian gei wo men de sheng huo dai lai hen duo fang bian 。 dian nao bi dian hua hai hao , dian hua zhi neng ting dao dui fang de sheng yin , er dian nao you ke yi jin xing wen zi gou tong , hai ke yi shi pin dui hua , neng gou kan jian dui fang 。 ru guo you shen me jie ri , fa yi ge e - m a i l , dui fang ji miao zhong jiu neng shou dao , ji neng jie yue zhi zhang , hai ke yi kuai su rang bie ren shou dao … … ke ji fa zhan ti gao le wo men de sheng huo shui ping , gai shan le sheng huo zhi liang ! qi shi , dian nao shi yi zhong hen hao de xue xi gong ju 。 dang wo men xu yao yi xie zi liao de shi hou , wo men bu yong dao chu de zha zhao he fan yue shu ji , zhe yang hui lang fei hen duo shi jian 。 wo men ke yi zuo zai dian nao qian ,

[最佳答案] I would like to give my opinion about the Internet. More and more students here are starting using the Internet, through which they can get a great deal of the latest information. They can enjoy lessons given by the best teachers of net-schools at home. And it is easy and convenient to keep in touch with friends by sending and receiving e-mails.

[最佳答案] 英语作文:电脑对我们生活的好处 Computer Are Of Great UseTo Our Daily Life Now, theputer in every household! And students who study in primary schools alsohave to study puter. It means that puter is very useful and important for our daily life. In businessfield, puter is


[最佳答案] Nowadays, Computer technology is getting progressive. As a computer user, you can make problem easier than before peole have no computer technology. Some people said that, computer is the greatest creation in the world that make the difficulty become very easy while some people seriously said that, computer would destory the world beacuse of the people's dependence of computer.

Computer Are Of Great UseTo Our Daily Life Now, thecomputer in every household! And students who study in primary schools alsohave to study computer. It means that compute

计算机带给我们的改变英语作文,科技给人们生活带来变化英语作文 100字 满意答案fxsjy1232014.09.26采纳率:48%等级:13已帮助:8165人With the rapid development of the mo

[最佳答案] Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anythin

[最佳答案] 很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)ONowadays, the Internet has become very common in our daily life, in that we can surf the Internet everywhere anywhere by computer or mobile.However, the debate on the pros and cons of the network has never stopped.So

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《电脑给人们带来的方便作文英语,抖音给人们带来的好处》