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remind sb of sth造句cc

嗯remind与什么联用remind sb doing sthremind sb to do sth造句remind的用法和固定搭配remind sb of sth类似结构 [最佳答案] 1. remind sb. of Please don't remind me of anything dangerous anymore. 请不要再让我想起任何危险(的事情)。 2. remind sb. to do She reminds me to do my homework. 她提醒我做作业。 3. remind sb that She reminds me that I should do my homework. 她提醒我,我应该做作业了。 查看原

[最佳答案] 1. remind sb. of Please don't remind me of anything dangerous anymore. 请不要再让我想起任何危险(的事情)。 2. remind sb. to do She reminds me to do my homework. 她提醒我做作业。 3. remind sb that She reminds me that I should do my homework. 她提醒我,我应该做作业了。 查看原


导读 大家好,小活来为大家解答以上的问题。remind sb of sth造句简单这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、remind sb of sth提 大家

dao du da jia hao , xiao huo lai wei da jia jie da yi shang de wen ti 。 r e m i n d s b o f s t h zao ju jian dan zhe ge hen duo ren hai bu zhi dao , xian zai rang wo men yi qi lai kan kan ba ! 1 、 r e m i n d s b o f s t h ti da jia . . .


[最佳答案] He reminds me of his brother. 他使我想起了他的弟弟。 You remind me of the sea.你让我联想到大海。 I hope to remind you of that.我希望大家能够注意到这一点。

首页 下载APP视频解答 搜索答疑一搜即得 下载AP The pictures remind her of her happy childhood 这些照片使她想起了她快乐的童年 解析

[最佳答案] 造句和remind sb. of sth.造句 Can you remember this song?Thanks for your gift,it will always remind me of you.谢谢你们的礼物,它将使我经常想到你们

remind sb of sth 例句 This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.这家旅馆使我想起去年我们住过的那一家。

用remind sb of sth造3个句子 用remind sb of sth造3个句子 英语人气:893 ℃时间:2019-08-20 19:24:51 It reminds me of my best friend. 它让我想到了我最好的朋友 The song reminds me of my father 这首歌使我想起了我的父亲 The pictures remind her of her happy childhood 这些照片使她想起了她快乐的童年 甲乙两队两队合作一项


sth造句我忘记提醒她考试时间了用remindsbofsth造句我忘记提醒她考试时间了用remind sb of sth造句展开 I forgot to remind her of exam time. I forgot to remind her of test time.

造句 remind sb of sth造句 英语人气:922 ℃时间:2019-09-06 03:26:06 remind sb of sth使某人想起…;提醒某人…Thanks for your gift—it will always remind me of you.谢谢你们的礼物

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《remind sb of sth造句cc》